Two Cities

Two Cities
This is an interactive work that required two friends living in two different cities.
Each friend was to take a map of the other's current city and draw a route with activities. Activities varied on simplicity from smelling a flower, to talking to a stranger to singing a song. These activities required taking photographs and any other additional alternative documentation like drawings, diary entries or videos.
In addition, both friends agreed on a specific location where if both cities where one, it would be the same, and planned to meet there at a specific time (5:00pm). They video called each other and had lunch together.
Throughout the day neither of the friend tried to contact the other whatsoever, each one trusted that the other was doing the activities and was going to meet them at the finish line, making that video call their first interaction of the day.
At the end of the day both maps were merged into one to create this alternative city where both friends live in; San Friego?, San Disco?.

Any additional documentation was connected to create an analogous map.
